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- Dog & Cat toys – homemade or bought.
- Bath and hand towels.
- Stationery (A4 photocopy paper).
- Gardening tools (Gardening Shears, spades, rakes, brooms, wheelbarrows, wooden ladders).
- Animal food Adult Cats/Kitten and Adult Dogs/Kitten.
- Welded mesh for repairing kennels (We always need mesh for renovations which are ongoing).
- Shadecloth in good condition.
- Cleaning material, Handy Andy, Bleach, Pine Jel, washing powder and HTH.
- CCA treated poles and split poles for fencing in animal enclosures and runs.
- 2nd hand books for our Paws-A-While Charity Shop situated at the Fiveways Mall in Empangeni (Upper level shop 21b next to Postnet/African Essence Spa).
- Clothing, crockery, sports equipment, cutlery, pots/pans, toys, CD’s DVD’s, Curtains, Linen, in fact anything that you no longer need that we can re-sell for funds.
- All donations can be dropped off at the kennels, Paws-A-While Shop as well as Coffee Chemistry in Kerk Steet. Please contact us, we can also collect.