Lost & Found
If you have lost your dog or cat, please visit our SPCA in case it has been handed in to us. Whilst you are welcome to phone us, it can be difficult to describe animals and identifying your pet face-to-face is more successful. Remember, sterilised pets are less likely to wander – and having your pet micro-chipped increases the chances of finding him or her.
If you find a lost dog or cat, please bring it to the SPCA or keep it safely in your home or yard and call us to come and collect it. We keep a ‘lost and found’ registry and we’ll check to see if the animal has been micro-chipped in order to try and trace the owner. You can assist by asking around the neighbourhood in which the animal was found to see if anyone is missing their pet.
By law we must shelter a stray animal for 7 days before offering it for adoption. This is to allow the legal owner time to claim their pet back. If the dog or cat is not claimed by the owner, they are then put into another unit where the public (subject to an approved, prehome, property check) may be allowed to adopt them.