Telephone: 071 174 4746  |  Emergency Inspector: 083 482 3866

Business Hours: Mon - Fri: 08h00 - 15h00  |  Sat: 09h00 - 12h00

Make a Donation and Make a Difference

The SPCA is a non profit organisation that receives no financial funding from the State. We rely totally on funding from a caring public to protect, shelter, feed, and administer veterinary care, to stray, abandoned, neglected animals, in our care. Assisting your local SPCA would be much appreciated.

We need your help. All donations can be done right now, and will be gratefully appreciated.

DONATIONS TAX EXEMPTION – Section 18(a) SARS PBO Ref No: 18/11/13/822.
We will gladly issue you with a Tax Certificate for your donation, should you require one for tax purposes, as we have section 18A status. This means that all donations to the SPCA are tax deductable.

If you are resident in South Africa and would like a tax deductible certificate issued for your kind donation, then please email us to request this certificate on

We thank you most sincerely for supporting our SPCA.

Online Card Payment Donations

yoco2We use Yoco to process an online card payment. Please click here to make a payment.

All VISA and MasterCard cards that are 3D Secure enabled are accepted, including international cards. AMEX and Diners are not currently supported. Note that all payments need to be processed in South African Rands.

Internet EFT Donations

  • Bank: FNB
  • Branch: Empangeni
  • Code: 220130
  • Acc Name: ZSPCA
  • Acc No: 622 450 60306
  • Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
  • Ref: Please use your Name & Cell