About Us
The Empangeni SPCA was started in Zululand in 1972 and then went on to assist in establishing the Richards Bay SPCA as per our objectives. SPCA stands for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. This means any animal, whether it is a dog, cat, bird, reptile, horse, cow, sheep or goat.
Lost or stray animals are admitted to the SPCA and are kept at the kennels for a 7 day period. This is to allow the legal owner time to claim their pet back. If the dog or cat is not claimed by the owner, they are then placed into the adoption unit where the public (subject to an approved, prehome, property check) may be allowed to adopt them. The adoption fees for dogs and cats are different at all SPCA’s. This will depend on whether that SPCA has a fully functional hospital or clinic with a resident Vet, who will be able to perform the surgical procedure and sterilise the animal at a much reduced rate. This will obviously bring down the cost of the adoption fee as all adopted animals are sterilised before leaving for their new home. This is a compulsory requirement and is not optional! We unfortunately do not have a resident Vet/hospital and therefore we use the services of the private vet in town.
We assist animals that come from indigent areas, who need dipping, de-worming, mange treatment and rabies vaccinations, at our kennels free of charge.
The Empangeni SPCA does not have a resident vet in attendance. We rely on the services of private vets, and we are held responsible for the account.
The SPCA also checks on animals who are chained up, have no shelter, food or water, or who have been abandoned. The SPCA will prosecute cases of deliberate and intentional cruelty, but will first and foremost try to educate. The Animal Protection Act 71 of 1962 protects all animals from deliberate cases of abuse by humans.
Most incidents that we investigate are not found to be deliberate cruelty. Often, all that is needed is to educate the owner on how to treat their animal, and show them ways in which they can improve the animals life. If the dog is chained up, then we need to establish “why?” We will try to find out if it is a temporary situation – eg: a wall or fence is being built. The dog is not permitted to live on a short chain that restricts it’s movement and if the person is not willing to improve the living conditions and quality of the dog’s life, then the SPCA will uphold the law to protect the animal. The dog may be removed by the SPCA, if the owner is not willing to adhere to warnings, and adhere to recommendations. All complaints are investigated and we work within the parameters of the law and the SPCA Act 169 of 1993.
The SPCA is also responsible for finding new homes for dogs and cats when their owner’s are no longer able to care for them. Maybe they have to move to a place where pets are not allowed or maybe to another country. Maybe they have lost a job and can’t afford to feed or care for them any longer. Peoples situations often change and they should rather bring their pet to an SPCA instead of abandoning it. Sadly, Yes, some people do leave their animals behind when they move away, and do not provide for them. They are given to the house-helper or gardener who may not be in a position to care for the animal.
Not all animals are able to be rehomed as a number of them have never been socialized and are not people-friendly. They may have attacked/harmed people and/or other animals. There are far too many unwanted animals in this world and the truth is that until people start to realise the importance of sterilizing their pets, euthanasia will continue to be the only form of birth control. We do not need anymore unwanted litters and neither do your dogs and cats.
Our Mission Statement
- To prevent cruelty to animals and promote animal welfare.
- To prevent improper treatment of animals.
- To maintain and protect animal and bird life and their natural homes. To encourage the proclamation and protection of animal and bird sanctuaries.
- To erect and maintain homes, hospitals and similar undertakings.
- To do everything possible to inculcate into the minds of children a sense of love and care of animals and birds, and more especially to foster the Junior Movement.
- To establish such branches and to sponsor such separate committees as many may be deemed necessary for the fulfillment of the objects of the society.
- To affiliate or join with any other Society in Southern Africa having similar objectives.
- To implement all or any of the aforegoing objectives by any lawful means.